
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

CFMGQ September 17th - Meeting Minutes

Cape Fear Modern Quilt Guild meeting notes - 9/17/2012

Kathy Lyman, our new president, welcomed members and guests.  She asked members to wear a name tag to the meetings so we can get to know the members. 

Karen Smith, our Treasurer,  passed around a list of members to verify contact information.  Will continue to update the member information in October and quarterly.  Only members in good standing will receive reminder emails regarding upcoming monthly meetings.  Only paid members will be able to participate in Round Robins and other guild projects.

Yearly dues are due in September ($5.00).  The board is considering increasing the dues next year to $1/month for a total of $12/year payable in September of each year.

Mary Harned volunteered to be the webmaster and will take care of updates to the guild blog and facebook page.  Mary reviewed how to find the facebook page (Cape Fear Modern Quilt guild and the blog ( Mary also showed how to make comments on the blog.  Members are encouraged to blog their ideas or speak up at the meetings. The Board will consider all comments as we progress in our growth.

The guild’s wall hanging will need to be finished by guild members.  Thank you to Sarah and Chris who have started the process.  Thank you to the volunteers who signed up to help finish the wall hanging.  Hopefully the wall hanging can be completed by Thanksgiving.

The guild is looking for volunteers to help with programs, housekeeping (set up the room and put it back together), and hospitality.  Thank you to Penny and Didi for volunteering to help with housekeeping.  Thank you to Sherry for help with programs but she needs some other members to help with that committee.  We still need a volunteer for hospitality.

The purpose of the guild is to encourage members‘ skill development with contemporary quilting techniques.  To promote the overall goal, the board has designed a monthly educational activity to begin with the September meeting.  Members were provided with beginning supplies and directions to begin the project (brown lunch bag).  The cost will be supported by the September dues.  October, November, and January will begin the educational process.  A break in December due to the holidays.  In February the guild will begin a “Round Robin” process using the techniques learned in the guild meetings this year.  If a guild member misses a meeting, the member will be provided with written directions for “catch-up”.

The focus of the monthly educational topics will be the following: 

  • Sept. - improvisational piecing
  • Oct. - use of graphic stripes and angles
  • Nov. - use of minimalism or negative space
  • January - curves in modern quilting  

The goal is to build on each technique using a Round Robin process starting in February.  The last education process will feature a different “twist” on the project.

Members are encouraged to use their stash of fabrics (if the directions indicate) and not “risk” using “good” fabrics to learn a specific technique.

The Board decided to follow a standardized format to our monthly meeting as follows:
  • Call to order
  • Each member introduces self
  • Guests introduce themselves or are introduced by the member
  • Minutes are read from the previous meeting
  • Treasurer’s report is read
  • Guild business
  • Outside program presentation or guild program/educational presentation
  • Guild show and tell
The Board is beginning to explore a quilting retreat for Spring.  Ideas: modern quilting retreat, charity quilt using a new technique.  Let the board know if you have any ideas about location or focus of the retreat.  

Field trips: The Board is soliciting ideas for a Guild field trip.  Possible ideas include Spoonflower in Durham and the Durham-Orange quilt show.  Penny suggested the special art exhibit at UNC Greensboro (check out “Herb & Dorothy” documentary who collected 4,000 pieces of art and donated 50 pieces to each of the 50 states).  Let the Board know if you have any ideas (can put your ideas on our blog or facebook page or share at the next meeting. 

Sept. educational program: Donna Bergman shared  improvisational piecing technique using 2 fabrics.  She shared a pillow using this technique.  Directions and paper bags with fabrics were passed out to members.  More information about this technique can be found in this magazine: American Quilter - AQS (Sept. 2012).

Show and Tell - check out the photos on our facebook page.

Donna Bergman, Secretary

Monday, September 17, 2012

Looking for Feedback on Today's CFMQG Meeting

What did you think about today's CFMQG Meeting?

Please share your opinions and feedback by adding a Comment to this entry.   Also…. it would be great if you signed your name to your comments (or not… your choice).

I've also added a poll that we'd love for you to fill out (see right hand side of the blog).

Happy Stitching.
    Mary (Webmaster/Communications Chair)

Friday, September 14, 2012

CFMQG Meeting - Monday Sept. 17th

Our next Cape Fear Modern Quilt Guild meeting will be at 10am Monday Sept 17th @ Sew Happins.

Come and learn about some of the Modern Quilting activities our newly elected officers have in store for us.

Also… Show n' Tell - bring you latest projects.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

CFMGQ August 20th - Meeting Minutes

Cape Fear Modern Quilt Guild Meeting - August 20, 2012

Business meeting: Today we voted on the officers for the coming year. Here are the results of the election:
President - Kathy Lyman
Vice President - Gloria Pope
Secretary - Donna Bergman
Treasurer - Karen Smith

Thank you to the all the work of the outgoing board and the bylaw committee (Donna, Penny, Karen, Becky, and Sherry) to write the bylaws and get the guild organized. Thank you to the nominating committee (Sue and Elaine) for your help with the elections.

Other News:
Gloria Pope is starting a quilt group in Little River which will meet the first Friday of the month (Sept. 7 th first meeting).  Contact Gloria for more information.
Joyce DeLucia is organizing a class in quilt history.  For more information check the website of the Brunswick Quilt Guild.
Linda will be going to Houston - she has a quilt that will be on display at the show.

Guest Speaker: Kathy Stuart, quilt artist
Kathy provided so much inspiration today and a wonderful trunk show.  She started quilting in 2000 but has been sewing since the age of 4.  As Kathy shared her quilts, she talked about what she learned from each quilt.  She has done a wide range of quilts from pieced, applique, fiber art to whole cloth quilts.  Her machine quilting on the quilts was stunning and amazing.  Kathy has won many awards for her beautiful quilts and gave tips and pointers about what judges look for.  She loves challenges and likes to get feedback on her quilts.  Her ugly fabric challenge quilt was very unique and fun.  I especially liked the culture challenge quilt called “Hello my name is Kathy”.  Kathy’s name was written in many different languages - a very fun quilt.

Donna Bergman 
Recording Secretary