Cape Fear Modern Quilting Guild
Minutes February 7, 2017
In attendance: Ann Boggs, Joyce Bardeen, Lois Khakee, Karen Smith, Arleen Morrissey, Molly Bigelow, Pam Morris, Wanda Duchesne, Laura Leonard, Didi Nilson Taylor, and Dianne Brisson.
Meeting called to order by Joyce.
The first thing we talked about was the “Kindness” squares that were made using the strips that were provided by Arleen. We got 9 with one being promised for next month. Pam won the drawing and will work on assembling her quilt.
Joyce brought new “salmon” colored strips. It was decided that we use white again as a background color and that 1 or 2 batiks can also be used in a 12 ½” block.
As a group, we also decided that the group would pay for batting and backing if reimbursement was requested.
The treasurer’s reported that we have $238.48 in our treasury.
The discussion was continued this month regarding the location for future meetings. We took a vote and decided to move our meeting location to Coastal Sewing and Appliance store located at the Crossroads Center at 894 S. Kerr Avenue 5B in Wilmington. Everyone also agreed that the afternoon time frame and 1st Tuesday of the month would work well for us.
We will need to find a new instructor for the class on “Taking care of your sewing machine” for October, several suggestions were made and we will look into them in the near future.
Don’t forger “Open Sew” at the Senior Center located at South College and Shipyard. We meet in the Craft Room every Thursday at 9:30 in the morning until about noon. Knitters and crocheters are also welcome. They even have a sewing machine that you can use.
Magazine Challenge. We looked at the magazine pages that Parker sent in. As a group, we decided that creating something from an idea was better than out of nothing so each participant picked a page, and shared it with others that expressed an interest and we could each interpret it in our own way. No limits were set for size, but it should be a finished product with binding or some other finished edge. Challenges will be due at the April meeting. This one could get interesting! Looking forward to the results and seeing how everyone interprets their page.
March project fabric requirements for each participant: ½ yard of quilt shop quality fabric. NO BATIK for this project. More details to follow at the meeting!
Meeting minutes provided by Dianne Brisson
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