Fabric bowls
Arlene had transmission trouble and couldn't make the meeting. Dianne brought all the stuff to go over it, but we kind of thought we should wait for Arlene. Two of us were already familiar with making the bowls anyway...so we unanimously decided to postpone it.
Challenge Round Robbin
We discussed for a bit.....
- Only 3 of us remembered to bring our challenge block: Lois, Karen and myself.
- Molly will bring the September fabric, Karen will bring October and I will bring November.
- Lois brought today's fabric. We put the extra's together with the extra's from last month. Lois has the Ziploc with the fabrics since she plans to be there in Sept.
Reminder: We will start collecting dues again in Sept. $5/yr dues.
We currently have ~$217 in our bank.
Lois will send for the Modern Patchwork subscription.
Sharing: I shared a lap quilt for the Leland House project that started as the modern square in square that we did 2 years ago. Also I showed the 'Delectable Mountains' block that Brunswick Quilters is using as the basis of their 2016 raffle quilt. I sold some tickets for this year's raffle quilt. I'll bring again in October.
Arlene gave Dianne a quilt for Nepal.
September Program
Quilt Basting - Dianne will bring the basting frame in September and for anyone who needs quilts basted. Come prepared: batting should be about 2" bigger than quilt and backing should be 2" bigger than that (approx 4" larger than quilt top). And bring OPEN safety pins to baste.
See you in October!