Cape Fear Modern Quilt Guild
Meeting notes from 3-18-13 by Donna B, secretary
Treasurer’s report: New balance is now $123.83
Secretary’s minutes: Check the blog for the minutes from previous meetings.
New Vice President: Lorelei has volunteered for this position. Thank you.
Field trips/retreats: Thank you Sherry for collecting information about field trip to Spoonflower and fall retreats.
Spoonflower field trip (Durham) - date is April 22. We are planning to carpool - one group leaving from Hampstead and the other group from the Brunswick county area. We will meet at Spoonflower around 10:30 am. Guild members signed up for the trip and indicated their starting point. 2 starting points - Hampstead and Brunswick county. There maybe some members starting in Wilmington.
Members will receive an email with trip information and contact info about this trip.
Sherry also had a hand-out for members about retreats that she has researched. She shared info about Quilting Retreats with Marilyn Doheny at Melrose Inn (you can check out the website for more information -
Member Spotlight: Penny
Thank you Penny for sharing your quilt history with us. Loved seeing your quilts including your family members’ handiwork.
Check out Penny’s website:
See the photos of the pieces she shared at our meeting.
Traditional to Modern Block Challenge - House
Check for pictures of the House challenge blocks on facebook.
Lorelei shared wonky house information that she found on
Winner of Viewer’s choice was Mary H.
Self-Sampler challenge blocks (using your own fabric and the techniques from Sept., Oct. and Nov. meetings) - members shared their blocks
Self Round-Robin - Row by Row: Members shared their “triangle” or “confetti” blocks at the meeting.
Check for pictures on facebook of the quilt squares.
Modern Odyssey - Bull’s Eye Quilt: Team shared their first 2 rounds of this project. See photos.
Fat Quarter Exchange: members exchanged green fat quarters at the meeting.
General Show and Tell: We love seeing your show and tell projects.
Check for pictures of the show and tell on facebook:
April Meeting
Member Spotlight - Karen
Fat quarter exchange - floral fabric
Traditional to Modern Block challenge - Basket block
Self round Robin: “love beads” or Eclipse” blocks from the book. Or a simple circle block of your choice.