Cape Fear Modern Quilting Guild
April 4, 2017
Coastal Sewing
In Attendance:
Lois, Susan, Arleen, Karen, Ann, Wanda, Joyce, Didi and Dianne. We had one guest, July Mundhenk, welcome Judy, we hope you come back and join us again!
We displayed our aqua squares, and Wanda won them.
Dianne handed out the squares for next month, we should use beige or khaki and Navy for the other colors.
Either I didn’t write it down, or no one volunteered to bring strips for next month.
Treasurer’s report. We have $243.48 in our treasury.
Lois also mentioned going to a community event where she, Penny and Arleen met the organizers and learned about a sewing class for kids at the community college this summer. We voted to authorize her to donate up to $140 toward a scholarship for 1 student to attend. The community organizer can choose the candidate. We ask that s/he provide a picture of them self with their project.
Magazine challenge: 6 quilts were submitted for the challenge. Some of the comments were: I could do what I wanted; opened her mind to possibilities, no rules.
Rip and tear bags challenge: the bags were great, different shapes and sizes and filled with toiletries. They were donated to the domestic violence shelter. The extra notions were donated to the Sister Isaac Center. Ann also donated a quilt she made, and Penny quilted to Sister Isaac.
For next month, the challenge was presented by Dianne. Various fabrics were available for dual challengers. Pair of quilters were challenged to make a table topper or some other quilted project with their chosen fabric and any other fabric they want. Next month we will look at how each person used their fabric in a design of their choosing.
It was decided that next month (May 2) we will meet at New York Deli (by Apple Annie’s) at 12 noon for lunch before our monthly meeting. This is an optional event.
The May meeting will have a program by Pam