Welcome New Members: Sue, Wanda, Joyce & Alice. Teddy is also back and re-joined. Welcome back Teddy.
Treasurers Report (Karen): We currently 23 paid members and have $257.48 on our books.
Program: Christmas in July - Members shared little gift projects that they have made or had given to them with the group.
Here are some website for some of the gift ideas that Karen shared:
* Thread catcher - http://www.redhenfabrics.com/freebies
* Tuffed Pin cushion - https://www.connectingthreads.com
* Needle book - http://mythreesonsknit.blogspot.com
Thank you Karen for providing the websites.
Round-Robin Challenge: Continue to bring them in and share them at future meetings as you complete them.
Next Challenge: Mary and Donna share their idea for our next challenge and the group tweeted it a bit and about 12 people said that they were willing to participate in it.
The New Challenge (we'll call it our Monthly Modern Block Challenge) will kick off at our Sept meeting.
All about our Monthly Modern Block Challenge:
- Each month, one member will bring 2 1/2" strips to hand out to all of those participating in the challenge. The strip must be a solid.
- Participants will take the strip and make a 12 1/2" modern block (of your choice.... from a book / website) and bring it to the following month meeting. Additional fabrics from your stash can be used to make your block, but you MUST include the solid 2 1/2" strip someplace in your block. Note: the 2 1/2" strip of solid fabric is what will tie all the blocks together.
- At the following month's meeting we will share our block and discuss the techniques. This way we will all get fresh ideas from each other on modern block techniques/designs.
- We will then raffle off the block and one member (who participated in the challenge) will take home all the blocks to make up into a charity quilt. Note: you will only be able to win one set of blocks during this challenge. That way everyone gets to go home with a set (over the timeframe of the challenge).
- Another 2 1/2" solid strip will be give out to the challenge group for our next month's Monthly Modern Block Challenge as we repeat the process each month.
- We will discuss any adjustments to the rules at our monthly meetings.
- At the end of the challenge, all participants should have a set of modern blocks to make into a charity quilt.
- We will also discuss some modern quilting techniques prior to quilting up your charity quilt.
There are lot of definitions of Modern Quilting. Here one that might help you in your design.
What is Modern Quilting?
Modern quilts are primarily functional and inspired by modern design. Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt. These include, but are not limited to: the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. "Modern traditionalism" or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.
Volunteer Request: We are looking for someone to take minutes/notes at our meetings (since Donna is currently working on Tuesdays). They would type them up and email them to Mary so she can put them up on our website. Mary is already handling our Website and Facebook and is not looking to take on another role.
Misc items shared by members:
- Karen shared that the Quilting and Sewing Expo will be back in Raleigh next year (July 20, 21 & 22, 2017) http://www.sewingexpo.com/Calendar.aspx
Show & Tell: Pictures of this month's S&T can be found on our FB page => HERE
What's Up at our Next few meetings
August: Quilt Basting - Dianne will bring her basting frame. If you have a quilt that needs to be pin basted, bring your quilt top, batting, backing and basting pins to the meeting and we'll all help you pin it.
Come prepared: batting should be about 2" bigger than quilt and backing should be 2" bigger than that (approx 4" larger than quilt top). And bring OPEN safety pins to baste.
Additional questions can be addressed to Dianne.
Note: I will not be at this meeting so we'll need someone to take notes/minutes of the meeting.
September: Crayon Table runner/topper challenge are due. I can't wait to see them. Make it Modern and only use the 3 colors that you chose + 1 neutral (optional).
We will also kick off our New Challenge: Modern Block Challenge. Ann volunteered to bring our first 2 1/2 inch strip for us to use.
October: tba
November: Group charity sew-in. Molly & Babs are heading our next group charity sew-in. Thank you both for volunteering. Stay tuned for additional information.
Hope to see you at our next meeting.