1. Reviewed treasurer's report
2. Dianne turned in the Quilts of Valor quilts from last charity sew to the Quilts of Valor representative for our area.
3. Dianne is making quilts to send to Nepal. If you would like to make a quilt (about lap quilt size or a little bigger), please have it ready by the August meeting so that she can send them to Nepal. Thanks
4. Lorelei will be doing a demo on making a project roll. If you would like to make one at the June meeting, check the blog for a list of supplies to bring.
5. Laura explained the Self-round robin quilt challenge. See blog for more details. Bring your completed focus block to the July meeting. As a challenge for the round robin, Dianne will bring fabric to be added to the round robin in July
6. Hearts and Hands quilt show is in Sanford (10/16-17) - for details see http://www.heartsandhandsnc.org
7. Swapaholic Modern Sewing Retreat is in Wilmington, Sept. 24 -27. Check out details on their blog: http://swapaholic.blogspot.com/p/about.html
8. Show and Tell - see our facebook page for photos https://www.facebook.com/pages/CF-Modern-Quilting-Guild/200809193294067?ref=bookmarks
Upcoming meetings:
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Project roll. |
July - Bring your focus block for your self round robin project.
August -
September - Arlene will demo how to make fabric bowls for microwave use
Happy sewing and quilting,